Monthly Archives: August 2014

Some Of The Many Benefits Offered By The Iphone

The iphone is a coveted device that a lot of people want to own. Yet, you have to figure out some things before you get an iphone. What carrier should you use? Which apps are necessary to download? Which model is most valuable? For answers to these questions and more, continue reading.

Your iphone is like a small GPS. The integrated map and gps function allow you to use your wireless service to pinpoint where you are, and where you are going. It will instruct you on how to get to your destination without issues.

Having a bigger keyboard will make iphone web browsing easier. Fortunately, there is no need to purchase a keyboard. Simply turn your iphone horizontal and touch the address bar. You now will have a bigger keyboard that makes typing easier and faster.

Dim the brightness of your iphone to reduce battery consumption. Go to the settings portion of your iphone to alter the illumination level. This will help save your battery power, which is important to having a full charge on your phone.

Don’t waste any time keying in “.com” (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you’re browsing the Internet on your iphone. Only the main portion of the web address is needed. The web browser can automatically figure out where you want to go. This tip may seem silly, but it really saves time over the long run, especially if you navigate to sites a lot over the course of your iPhone’s life.

Do you get annoyed by receiving so many notifications on your iphone? There is a way to turn them off. Go to settings, then select notifications. Examine which apps are listed in the heading and delete things that you don’t need. Doing this will keep the life of your battery long.

Taking pictures from the headphone cord on the iphone can save a lot of time and effort. Begin by framing the picture you want to capture. When you are ready, hit the cord button. This will take the photo. To save the photo, follow the normal picture saving steps.

If you want to do everything that your iphone can possibly do, you need to master its multimedia abilities. Your iphone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series.

You can easily set up your email on your iphone so that it is simple to retrieve your messages. This is essential, because you can receive instant notifications any time a new email arrives, allowing you to read it immediately. You can pick various email accounts or even just one tagged on your phone.

If you are writing anything on the iphone and do not want to use the predictive text feature, the suggestion box can be dismissed without touching the “X.” Just tap on your screen where ever you want and the box should close.

The calculator is a very valuable function on the iphone. When held vertically, the calculator is a standard calculator, but when held horizontally, it becomes a highly-functional scientific calculator.

If you value your privacy greatly, then you should probably use Siri a little less. Apple can record and store what you say to Siri. These customer service files are stored in a secure location and are used for improving speech recognition, but it is good to be aware that your prompts may be recorded.

Make sure to keep the OS upgraded to the latest version possible. In reality, iPhones are very sophisticated handheld computers, and just like other computers, they can be prone to bugs and issues that need fixing. This updating is critical if any personal information is own or accessed online using your phone.

This article has provided you with information on your iphone. Use this information to get the most from your phone.

Iphone Tips You Really Need To Know About

Many people want an iphone, but they do not know about all of the phone’s various shortcuts and benefits. For tips that can help you get the most out the phone, there are many basic ideas in the article below. This article will give you a fantastic start to understanding your iphone.

Make sure your phone is using the latest updates. This ensures that you get the latest software and updates available for your phone. Your pictures and other files will be saved to your computer; if you damage your iphone, you will not lose all your data.

Once you know how the volume button can be used to take a photo, try using the headphone cord to snap a picture. Whenever you are taking it, your hand should be kept as steady as possible. Whenever you’re ready, hit the button located on the cord. This way, your phone isn’t shaken, and your shot will be clear.

The Siri app will now allow you to set reminders based on location. Instead of saying “Siri, remind me to call work at five.” You can tell Siri to remind you to do something when you get home. The phone will know when you are at home, and it will give you a reminder to call the office. You can still have your reminder even though you can’t predict when you will get home.

You can find any place with your iphone. The map feature can help you find the nearest gas station or navigate an unfamiliar area. You can bookmark the phone’s map function to access it easily any time.

Safari and mail applications are widely used by iphone owners, but many are not aware of how to save images with these apps. Press and hold on the image you wish to save. You will see a box with options for the image.

Do you want to include an umlauted or accented letter in your conversation, but don’t know how? This is actually quite simple to accomplish. If you touch an individual letter for only a few seconds, options will appear for that letter. You’ll get a pop-up window with several alternative characters after a moment or two. This will allow you to type with fancy lettering as much as you want.

Do you feel like the phrase you just typed into iMessage was the wrong one? Is AutoCorrect confusing the meaning of what you write? There’s a very simple way to take back your words; quickly shake your iphone. Doing so undoes anything you have recently typed. Be advised that this feature is optional, so if you want it, you need to enable it in your Settings.

You know have a basic working knowledge about iPhones. The main thing is that you’ll want to pick up some different tips so that you can unlock new and cool features and have easier access to the ones customer service you already know about. Remember this information and you can amaze your friends with the iphone tricks you now know.

Ways To Use Your Iphone And Make Life Easy

The iphone is popular thanks to everything it offers. Multi-taskers love the iphone for the ability to customize it, especially given the apps available. You’ll be able to get a lot more out of your iphone if you make use of the handy tips presented below.

Remember to download updates on your phone whenever they become available. This will help ensure continue your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Your pictures and other files will be saved to your computer; if you damage your iphone, you will not lose all your data.

If you’re having trouble seeing the characters on your keyboard, you can have a bigger one. It is, however, not necessary to purchase a larger keyboard. Flip your phone sideways and begin browsing again. You’ll find that the bigger keyboard can make it easier to type faster using your iphone.

Your iphone can guide you from one location to a new one. If you find yourself in need of directions, you can always use the map feature as a GPS. This makes it easier to locate businesses like gas stations or restaurants. Bookmark the map facility so that you can use it whenever needed.

Download an app that will allow you to upload files on your iphone and use it as a storage device. This makes uploading videos, pictures, music and text files much easier. Just use the iphone directly or connect to a computer to see the files.

Be a faster texter by using this simple trick. When a suggested word pops up on the screen that you don’t want, just tap on the screen and it will disappear. There is no need to tap the little “x” that appears at the end of the word.

Does your message require an accent or an umlaut over a letter? This is actually quite simple to accomplish. If you touch an individual letter for only a few seconds, options will appear for that letter. You’ll see a box appear that contains many extra key choices. Here, you can choose unique letters to spice up your text.

One thing you can do with your new iphone is to make the most of the multimedia capabilities. You can even download television shows, movies, or just about any other type of video, and then view it where ever you are, making your phone a great option for keeping you or your kids entertained.

Do you feel like the phrase you just typed into iMessage was the wrong one? Did Auto Correct alter what you intended to say? If so, then all you have to do is shake the iphone. Anything you’ve typed will be erased in seconds. Because this particular feature is optional, it may be necessary to enable it under the Settings menu.

For a quick way to add, subtract or multiply, don’t forget that calculator function on your iphone; it’s located in your phone’s utilities section. When the phone is in a vertical position, the calculator is a standard one, but when the phone is held horizontally, a scientific calculator appears.

Did you know that you can actually take a screenshot using your iphone? When you’re on the screen you want to save, hold down the home button and then tap on the sleep button. When you see the screen turn white, you know that the screenshot has been saved to your phone.

The usefulness of the iphone is demonstrated easily by how much it has sold. The endless features, apps and functions hold endless possibilities for the user. Most people find it takes time to understand how to utilize all the features available on an iphone. You may never discover them all, but here are a few tips that may give you some insights into some of your iPhone’s abilities that you may never have realized.

Want To Know How To Use Your Iphone? Read These Tips!

You don’t have to own an iphone to know they are proficient of much more than your average smartphone. If you’re interested in purchasing an iphone, this article is written for you!

Wouldn’t a larger keyboard make it easier to enter messages and surf the Internet on your iphone? The iphone has the capability to provide you with a larger keyboard. Move your iphone horizontally, which will increase the size of your keys. The keyboard instantly becomes larger and far more easy to use.

Do you get annoyed by receiving so many notifications on your iphone? Here is a tip on how to turn them off. Begin by selecting “settings”, then hit the notifications line. Check out the applications in the heading “In Notification Center”; then remove whatever you do not need. Doing this will keep the life of your battery long.

A great tip to implement when using the iphone is to save the images you view directly from your browser. This is simple. Just touch the photo that you want to save, and press down for a couple of seconds. You will see a pop-up box that offers you the choice to save that image.

It’s not necessary to press the X to get rid of that annoying AutoCorrect suggestion box. You can make this process faster by tapping anywhere on your screen. This is a faster way to get rid of the AutoCorrect suggestion box.

The iphone has a nifty little feature where you can come up with your own shortcuts and dictionary. As you dictate or type, the dictionary will know what you are saying. More phrases and shortcuts can be programmed by hand into the phone. Typos will also be automatically corrected.

Your iphone can also be used as a mobile storage device by downloading an easy to install app. With this app, you are able to upload pictures, brief videos, music and text files. Then, you can easily transfer them to any computer via the phone, or just access them directly from the phone itself.

Do you want to use a shortcut to get to the camera option on your iphone? Here is a simple shortcut that will solve that problem. With the screen in the locked position, give two quick taps to the Home button. This will bring up a camera icon in the lower part of the screen. Press the button to enable the camera.

The Safari on the iphone has a lot of features, similar to that of a computer’s Internet. Want to save a picture on the Internet? No problem – just tap on the picture and hold your finger down. A menu will pop up and allow you to save the image to your iPhone’s Camera Roll. After saving, you can insert this right into a text message.

The iphone OS should be upgraded to the most recent version. Apple iPhones are almost as complex as computers now, so there are occasional patches to fix bugs, security holes and functionality issues. Keeping your operating system updated is especially important if you access or store sensitive information on your phone.

If you like hearing clicks every time you put a character into a message, go to the sounds section in your iphone and enable keyboard clicks to an On setting. That way, you will know if the phone is picking up on your typing, thus reducing your own errors.

As you can see from the advice in the above article, there is always something new to learn about the most effective way to use an iphone. Should this prove true for you, then all that you must now do is either apply this information towards deciding on purchasing an iphone or getting more out of the one that you own.

Several Reasons You Should Consider Getting An Iphone

The iphone is a fantastic device with a variety of applications. Not only is it a phone, but it is also a personal organizer and an entertainment device. This means there are a multitude of ways to use the iphone to best advantage in your life. Become the master of your device by following the tips below!

If you are working in Safari, it is simple to initiate a phone call with a simple touch. You might run across a number you want to call if you’re searching for, say, a restaurant online. Whenever you discover the number, you don’t have to navigate to the phone component in order to make a call. A simple touch of the number and your call is connected directly to the exact business you searched for.

Buy a screen protector for your iphone. Without a protector, there will be scratches and nicks. All it takes is a small piece of dirt to cause a bad scratch. Your Iphone deserves a protective screen to keep it looking new.

You can create shortcuts and a personalized dictionary with your iphone. The diction knows beforehand what you are trying to say. For added efficiency, try programming your phone with your most commonly used phrases and shortcuts. The iphone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.

The cord on your headphone is capable of shooting photographs. Begin by framing the photo. When you are ready, press the button that is on the cord. The picture will be taken this way. You can save the picture by following the same steps you would normally.

The iphone will show you a preview of any incoming messages right on the main lock screen. To you, this may either be handy or a hindrance. If you think it is annoying, you can disable that feature easily. Simply go to the settings menu area and click on notifications and then messages. The feature you need to turn off is the Show Preview option.

Have you ever lost out on snapping a great photo because the camera app takes too much time to pop up? Here’s a quick, easy shortcut to help prevent this problem. Tap twice on the Home button when your screen is locked. Look for the camera icon at the screen bottom. Touch this camera icon and you will be able to use your iphone as a camera right away.

Did you know that your iphone can take a screenshot, anytime you like? Just hold down the home and sleep buttons for a couple seconds. Once the screen turns white, you will know the screenshot is saved on your phone.

If you wish to designate an email as “unread” on your iphone, you will need to locate the command, which is generally not visible. You must reach Details and press the unread button; when you go to email, it will show up as a message that is unread.

Now you can see that iPhones offer many features right out of the box. Your iphone is probably capable of a lot more than you even realize. Use these tips to get the most from your iphone.

Simplify Your Life With Your Iphone And These Tips

Many people find the iphone amazing, but few have the knowledge to use the features effectively. Read on for ways to get more use of your iphone.

Make sure your phone is updated whenever new updates are available. If you are diligent about doing this, you can be more secure in the fact that your phone will not be subject to glitches and viruses. This also protects you by ensuring that your images and information are safely stored. In the unfortunate event that your phone is lost or damaged, you can at least take comfort in knowing that your important data is click here not gone for good.

In order to save your iPhone’s battery, decrease its brightness. Go to the settings portion of your iphone to alter the illumination level. Lowering your phone’s brightness will help conserve battery life.

While in the Safari browser, you can simply make a phone call with one tap. If you are searching for a dry cleaner, you can simply click the number. When you locate the number, you don’t have to visit your phone option to actually place the call. Touch the number itself, and the connection will be made automatically.

An iphone can act as your GPS. If you find yourself in need of directions, you can always use the map feature as a GPS. This makes it easier to locate businesses like gas stations or restaurants. The iphone allows you to bookmark the map tab so you can access it quickly and easily.

Though many people use their iphone for surfing the web or email, many are not aware of how easy saving images from these can be. Tap on the image for a period of three seconds and it will give you the option to save it. Next, save options will appear on the screen inside a command box.

You can easily set up your email on your iphone so that it is simple to retrieve your messages. If you have this set up, you can get a notification every time you get a new email and you can check it whenever you like from your phone. You can choose a variety of email accounts or just one to tag to your phone.

In its default setting, your iphone will highlight incoming messages on its lock screen. You may find this handy or annoying. If you find it annoying, you can disable this feature easily. Simply go to the settings menu area and click on notifications and then messages. Show Preview is the option you want to turn off.

If you need a good calculator, try using the calculator in the utility area of the iphone. When you hold your calculator vertical it is standard, but when horizontal it shifts into a scientific calculator.

If your iphone is equipped with the Siri app, you may want to rethink using Siri often if you want to protect your privacy. Apple uses an internal server to hold and store the things you say to Siri. Apple’s primary purpose in recording Siri prompts is to maintain and improve speech recognition functioning on your iphone.

Press the sleep button if your iphone encounters an issue and press harder to reboot your phone if it is not responsive. Simply depress the button as you hold the Home button. Everything will be restarted to fix the problem.

The iphone can be of great assistance in your life, if you are aware of how to use it properly. The only thing to do at this time is to try out the tips you learned here and begin to see all the great things you iphone can provide you.

Everything You Need To Know About The Iphone

You are no doubt aware of how much an iphone can do, even if you have not yet bought one. If you already have an iphone or are contemplating purchasing one, the piece below is a great resource for information about its true capabilities.

Now that you have an iphone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The app for maps is already set up, so you can see your location anywhere there is service. This can help you find your way if you are lost or take a wrong turn.

Conserve the battery by reducing your iPhone’s brightness level. To change brightness levels, simply go to iphone settings. Your battery will last longer using this method, which may make quite the difference in long-term use.

Don’t waste any time keying in “.com” (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you’re browsing the Internet on your iphone. go here for the best Safari will direct you to the website you want with only the main address words. This is a simple little trick that saves you plenty of time while using your iphone.

The “X” button is not needed after each AutoCorrect suggestion. All you need to do is press the screen, anywhere. That closes the box in a much simpler way.

Taking full advantage of the iPhone’s multimedia abilities will let you get more from your device. When you download movies, tv shows or video clips, your iphone becomes a great entertainment solution.

If you want to stay on top of your email, tag your account to your iphone. If you have this set up, you can get a notification every time you get a new email and you can check it whenever you like from your phone. You are not limited to a single email account with this feature.

The default setting for your iphone is to show previews of incoming text messages on your lock screen. You may like this feature, or you may think it’s annoying. You can disable the feature quite easily. Simply go into the settings section and choose messages under notifications. Turn off the “Show Preview” option.

You can take screenshots with your phone. Once you are ready to take the screenshot, first hold the home button down, and then tap the sleep button as well. Your screenshot is captured when your screen turns white momentarily.

It’s important that you always have the most recently updated version of the OS. Apple iPhones are close to being as complex as some computers today, so keeping your phone updated will include any necessary patches, bug fixes, security fixes or functionality issues. Updating your iphone crucial if you’re using it to access information online.

If you happen to drop your phone into a liquid, stop yourself from immediately turning it back on. Dry off the phone and let it sit overnight. If you turn on the phone while it’s wet, you can permanently destroy it by short circuiting it.

You may find that you are getting interrupted by a notification when you are trying to work on your iphone. It’s likely that you need to finish what you’re working on before turning your attention to the notification. You should know that you can easily and swiftly rid yourself of the notification. To remove, simply swipe the pop-up when it appears.

One great suggestion for your iphone is making use of Facebook. Your iphone can be used to quickly and easily access Facebook and use it to stay connected with your friends and family.

As you can see from the advice in the above article, there is always something new to learn about the most effective way to use an iphone. Utilize these tips to have your iphone working for you.

Iphone Advice That You Should Know About

Do you want more apps but don’t know where you should look or how you can download them? You’re in luck my website since this article can help you discover the latest and greatest functions on your iphone.

If you get your iphone wet, simply use rice in order to dry it out. It is fairly common to drop an iphone and get it wet. Don’t risk damaging the phone by using a blow dryer. Instead, use a soft cloth to wipe off the phone, then place it in a rice-filled ziploc bag. Leave it there overnight, and in almost every case, it will be fine in the morning.

When you know how to use volume controls for picture taking, you can take the picture with your headphone cord. Whenever you are taking it, your hand should be kept as steady as possible. Whenever you’re ready, hit the button located on the cord. Doing so will give you a clear shot without shaking your iphone.

It’s not commonly known how simple it can be to save pictures from Safari or Mail. Press and hold on the image you wish to save. A box will come up asking if you want to save that image.

Create your own shortcuts and dictionary on your iphone. By entering specific phrases into your iPhone’s dictionary, it will understand what you are saying when using the dictation feature. You can also put in new shortcuts and phrases. The iphone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.

Tag email account on the iphone so that you can quickly get to your messages. This will allow you to see your emails immediately. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.

Attempt scrolling with one as well as two fingers when viewing a webpage. Use one finger to scroll through webpages that are formatted with boxes. Two fingered scrolling helps you quickly scroll through the whole web page.

Sometimes the AutoCorrect suggestion feature can become a nuisance. When you’re writing and it keeps popping up, don’t hit “X” to get rid of it. Just tap on your screen where ever you want and the box should close.

If your iphone ever freezes, and the Sleep/Wake function does not work, try doing a manual reset to see if it helps. Simply depress the button as you hold the Home button. The phone will shutdown and restart in order to signal everything went well.

If you like the added sound effects when you are typing, turn keyboard clicks on in your phone’s sounds menu. This could be beneficial as you are less likely to make unnoticed mistakes when you are aware of what your iphone is recognizing as you type.

After reading this article, hopefully, you know how to find all the apps you desire on the app store. You also know the easiest way to download and install these apps on you iphone. Take all the information from this article and apply it it your own iphone to get everything you can out of this great piece of technology.

Everything You Need To Know About The Iphone

Millions of continue reading this.. people are using the iphone. Owning an iphone has become quite popular in recent years, but mastering all its features can be somewhat complicated. Keep reading to master your iphone. For a selection of useful tips and tricks, read on!

When you own an iphone, it’s hard to ever be truly lost. The maps app is in the phone when you buy it and can let you see the location when you have service. You can find directions home or explore new regions you never considered before.

Rice is an easy and quick way to dry out your iphone if you happen to get it wet. If your iphone lands in the toilet or you get it wet, this can help to save your device. Rather than using a dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag. The rice will draw the moisture from your phone overnight.

Siri helps you with reminders that are location based. Rather than saying a time-based reminder to Siri, you can use a different command. You can also tell Siri to remind you to do something when you reach a certain location like home. The phone will know when you are at home, and it will give you a reminder to call the office. That way, if you are unsure of what time you will arrive home, you will still receive a reminder.

Buy a screen to protect your phone. Without protection, your phone’s screen will get nicked and scratched. The screen is very sensitive, so this barrier will serve as a valuable shield. A screen protector is essential.

Use your iphone to navigate the neighborhood. The map application should help you find directions to go anywhere as well as find a gas station, a restaurant or a store in an area you are not familiar with. Use bookmarks to mark your favorite locations or your home.

To save time, do not always click the “X” button when the AutoCorrect function erroneously changes your word. Just tap the screen anywhere instead. The suggestion box will close automatically.

You can customize your iPhone’s dictionary and create shortcuts to make texting faster. Your phone will automatically know what you’re going to type next. It is also possible to program your own shortcuts and unique phrases into the phone. The keyboard also has autocorrect when typing words and phrases.

Are you questioning the last text you sent out? Did Auto Correct screw up your meaning again? When this happens, simply shake your iphone. This motion will erase the message allowing you to type it again. Note, this is an optional feature, so you need to check your Settings to make sure it’s enabled.

When browsing the web on your iphone, experiment with both one and two fingered scrolling. Using one finger to scroll through a webpage provides an efficient way of getting through information stored in multiple boxes. If you use two fingers, you will be able to scroll around an entire page.

If your iphone is owned with Siri, think twice before talking to her very much. Siri quickly records and stores all of your important voice prompts on an internally hosted server. Keep in mind that as you speak to Siri, your words may get recorded as Apple records these things to assist in speech recognition programs.

Now that you’ve read this article, you should have a lot more knowledge about your phone. Now it’s time to use that knowledge. Your mastery of the amazing features of the iphone is as easy as putting them to use today.

Several Reasons To Go Get An Iphone

Do you want to get more out of the integral features of your iphone, as well as all of the great apps available for it? Well you’re in luck because the article below offers many great tips and tricks that will get you up-to-speed on where to look for all the latest and coolest iphone apps.

Once you know how to take a photo using the volume buttons, try doing it by using your headphone cord. Most headphones contain a button you can press to take a photograph. This will improve the overall quality of your photograph.

If you’re searching the web with your iphone, you don’t have to type out the “.com” of the web address. Just type in the main portion of the site’s name and the browser can do the rest. It might not seem like that much of a time-saver, but there is no reason to type it if you don’t have too.

Location-based reminders are possible thanks to Siri. Instead of the time-based reminders, you can use location-based reminders. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. Your phone will detect where you are and tell you about whatever reminder you set. That way, you get your reminder no matter what time you get home.

Switching from web browsing to placing a call on your iphone doesn’t take more than a single tap. For example, you may want to find a local dry cleaner. When you locate the phone number of the cleaners, you don’t need to switch over to the phone component of your iphone. Just press the number; you then connect to the place you are trying to call.

You may spend a great deal of time reading email or browning Safari on your iphone, but you may not know how simple it is to hang onto an image from these locations. It is simply a matter of pressing down on the desired picture for a moment. This will prompt a box to open which gives you a save option.

There is a better way to turn off customer service the AutoCorrect feature than hitting the “X” button. Just tap the screen. You can tap anywhere and still get rid of the suggestions. This method gets rid of the suggestion box while saving you much needed time.

You can use the cord of your headphones to take an iphone photo. To begin, frame the picture you would like to take. When you are ready to snap the picture, simply push the button. That takes the photo for you. Save the picture as you normally would.

Make messaging faster if you use this trick. If you do not want to use the word the dictionary suggests when you are texting with your iphone, you can simply tap anywhere on the screen to dismiss it. A box with an “X” out option appears, as you can simply disregard this.

Now that you know more about an iphone, you should know more about all of its functions. You should also be fully aware of how those apps can be downloaded to the phone. Take what you learned here, and use it to get the most out of your iphone.