Everything You Need To Know About The Iphone

You are no doubt aware of how much an iphone can do, even if you have not yet bought one. If you already have an iphone or are contemplating purchasing one, the piece below is a great resource for information about its true capabilities.

Now that you have an iphone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The app for maps is already set up, so you can see your location anywhere there is service. This can help you find your way if you are lost or take a wrong turn.

Conserve the battery by reducing your iPhone’s brightness level. To change brightness levels, simply go to iphone settings. Your battery will last longer using this method, which may make quite the difference in long-term use.

Don’t waste any time keying in “.com” (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you’re browsing the Internet on your iphone. go here for the best Safari will direct you to the website you want with only the main address words. This is a simple little trick that saves you plenty of time while using your iphone.

The “X” button is not needed after each AutoCorrect suggestion. All you need to do is press the screen, anywhere. That closes the box in a much simpler way.

Taking full advantage of the iPhone’s multimedia abilities will let you get more from your device. When you download movies, tv shows or video clips, your iphone becomes a great entertainment solution.

If you want to stay on top of your email, tag your account to your iphone. If you have this set up, you can get a notification every time you get a new email and you can check it whenever you like from your phone. You are not limited to a single email account with this feature.

The default setting for your iphone is to show previews of incoming text messages on your lock screen. You may like this feature, or you may think it’s annoying. You can disable the feature quite easily. Simply go into the settings section and choose messages under notifications. Turn off the “Show Preview” option.

You can take screenshots with your phone. Once you are ready to take the screenshot, first hold the home button down, and then tap the sleep button as well. Your screenshot is captured when your screen turns white momentarily.

It’s important that you always have the most recently updated version of the OS. Apple iPhones are close to being as complex as some computers today, so keeping your phone updated will include any necessary patches, bug fixes, security fixes or functionality issues. Updating your iphone crucial if you’re using it to access information online.

If you happen to drop your phone into a liquid, stop yourself from immediately turning it back on. Dry off the phone and let it sit overnight. If you turn on the phone while it’s wet, you can permanently destroy it by short circuiting it.

You may find that you are getting interrupted by a notification when you are trying to work on your iphone. It’s likely that you need to finish what you’re working on before turning your attention to the notification. You should know that you can easily and swiftly rid yourself of the notification. To remove, simply swipe the pop-up when it appears.

One great suggestion for your iphone is making use of Facebook. Your iphone can be used to quickly and easily access Facebook and use it to stay connected with your friends and family.

As you can see from the advice in the above article, there is always something new to learn about the most effective way to use an iphone. Utilize these tips to have your iphone working for you.

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