Iphone Advice That You Should Know About

Do you want more apps but don’t know where you should look or how you can download them? You’re in luck my website since this article can help you discover the latest and greatest functions on your iphone.

If you get your iphone wet, simply use rice in order to dry it out. It is fairly common to drop an iphone and get it wet. Don’t risk damaging the phone by using a blow dryer. Instead, use a soft cloth to wipe off the phone, then place it in a rice-filled ziploc bag. Leave it there overnight, and in almost every case, it will be fine in the morning.

When you know how to use volume controls for picture taking, you can take the picture with your headphone cord. Whenever you are taking it, your hand should be kept as steady as possible. Whenever you’re ready, hit the button located on the cord. Doing so will give you a clear shot without shaking your iphone.

It’s not commonly known how simple it can be to save pictures from Safari or Mail. Press and hold on the image you wish to save. A box will come up asking if you want to save that image.

Create your own shortcuts and dictionary on your iphone. By entering specific phrases into your iPhone’s dictionary, it will understand what you are saying when using the dictation feature. You can also put in new shortcuts and phrases. The iphone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.

Tag email account on the iphone so that you can quickly get to your messages. This will allow you to see your emails immediately. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.

Attempt scrolling with one as well as two fingers when viewing a webpage. Use one finger to scroll through webpages that are formatted with boxes. Two fingered scrolling helps you quickly scroll through the whole web page.

Sometimes the AutoCorrect suggestion feature can become a nuisance. When you’re writing and it keeps popping up, don’t hit “X” to get rid of it. Just tap on your screen where ever you want and the box should close.

If your iphone ever freezes, and the Sleep/Wake function does not work, try doing a manual reset to see if it helps. Simply depress the button as you hold the Home button. The phone will shutdown and restart in order to signal everything went well.

If you like the added sound effects when you are typing, turn keyboard clicks on in your phone’s sounds menu. This could be beneficial as you are less likely to make unnoticed mistakes when you are aware of what your iphone is recognizing as you type.

After reading this article, hopefully, you know how to find all the apps you desire on the app store. You also know the easiest way to download and install these apps on you iphone. Take all the information from this article and apply it it your own iphone to get everything you can out of this great piece of technology.

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