Want To Know How To Use Your Iphone? Read These Tips!

You don’t have to own an iphone to know they are proficient of much more than your average smartphone. If you’re interested in purchasing an iphone, this article is written for you!

Wouldn’t a larger keyboard make it easier to enter messages and surf the Internet on your iphone? The iphone has the capability to provide you with a larger keyboard. Move your iphone horizontally, which will increase the size of your keys. The keyboard instantly becomes larger and far more easy to use.

Do you get annoyed by receiving so many notifications on your iphone? Here is a tip on how to turn them off. Begin by selecting “settings”, then hit the notifications line. Check out the applications in the heading “In Notification Center”; then remove whatever you do not need. Doing this will keep the life of your battery long.

A great tip to implement when using the iphone is to save the images you view directly from your browser. This is simple. Just touch the photo that you want to save, and press down for a couple of seconds. You will see a pop-up box that offers you the choice to save that image.

It’s not necessary to press the X to get rid of that annoying AutoCorrect suggestion box. You can make this process faster by tapping anywhere on your screen. This is a faster way to get rid of the AutoCorrect suggestion box.

The iphone has a nifty little feature where you can come up with your own shortcuts and dictionary. As you dictate or type, the dictionary will know what you are saying. More phrases and shortcuts can be programmed by hand into the phone. Typos will also be automatically corrected.

Your iphone can also be used as a mobile storage device by downloading an easy to install app. With this app, you are able to upload pictures, brief videos, music and text files. Then, you can easily transfer them to any computer via the phone, or just access them directly from the phone itself.

Do you want to use a shortcut to get to the camera option on your iphone? Here is a simple shortcut that will solve that problem. With the screen in the locked position, give two quick taps to the Home button. This will bring up a camera icon in the lower part of the screen. Press the button to enable the camera.

The Safari on the iphone has a lot of features, similar to that of a computer’s Internet. Want to save a picture on the Internet? No problem – just tap on the picture and hold your finger down. A menu will pop up and allow you to save the image to your iPhone’s Camera Roll. After saving, you can insert this right into a text message.

The iphone OS should be upgraded to the most recent version. Apple iPhones are almost as complex as computers now, so there are occasional patches to fix bugs, security holes and functionality issues. Keeping your operating system updated is especially important if you access or store sensitive information on your phone.

If you like hearing clicks every time you put a character into a message, go to the sounds section in your iphone and enable keyboard clicks to an On setting. That way, you will know if the phone is picking up on your typing, thus reducing your own errors.

As you can see from the advice in the above article, there is always something new to learn about the most effective way to use an iphone. Should this prove true for you, then all that you must now do is either apply this information towards deciding on purchasing an iphone or getting more out of the one that you own.

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