The Ins And Outs Of Apples Iphone.

The iphone is a good, versatile device. Not only is this phone in itself great entertainment, but you can also use it as an organizer or for entertainment. There are a lot of ways to make your iphone work better to suit your needs. This article discusses some useful tips for getting the most out of using your iphone.

An iphone makes it virtually impossible to get lost. The maps application comes preloaded, and it helps you determine where you are. This makes it easy to find your way home, or locate somewhere new if you have never been there before.

You may want to opt for a larger keyboard to make surfing the Internet easier. It is, however, not necessary to purchase a larger keyboard. Turn you iphone sideways, then tap the Safari address bar, and viola! The larger keyboard allows you to have more speed and efficiency when typing.

It is unnecessary to type “.com” in the address box ,when you are surfing the web on your iphone. As long as you punch in the body of the website address, your browser will be able to locate the site you’re looking for. While it may not seem like much, doing so will save you a lot of time over the life of your phone.

You can message faster using this tip. When a suggested word pops up on the screen that you don’t want, just tap on the screen and it will disappear. The “x” icon doesn’t need to be accessed to stop a word.

Link your email with your iphone for greater convenience. This helps greatly because once you get an instant notification, you can check out the message instantaneously on the iphone. You can tag one or various email accounts to your iphone.

With its standard settings, an iphone is going to display message previews whenever a notification arrives, even if you have the screen locked. You may enjoy this feature, or you may find it annoying. If you do not like this feature, you can simply turn it off. All you need to do is go into your setting and then click on notifications, and finally, tap messages. Turn off the Show Preview option to disable this feature.

If your iphone freezes up and cannot be revived by pressing Sleep/Wake button, try doing a hard reset so you can get back in working order. Press on the sleep button and the home button at the same time. The phone should shutdown and reboot signaling that everything is working fine once again.

If you prefer hearing clicks while typing a text, simply go to “Sounds” and enable the click sounds. Some people find it helpful to hear the clicks of typing to keep from making mistakes, while others find the sound irritating and prefer silent typing.

For a time-saving tip for email and texting, make AutoText shortcuts for words and phrases you type often on the iphone. This feature can handle cumbersome email address, along with common phrases like “Where are you?” or “On my way.” Locate the keyboard settings on your iphone to access this useful feature.

You probably know that you can use your iphone to create time-based reminders, like “Remind me to go to the post office at 3 P.M.” What you may not know is that location-based options are available as well. To utilize a location-based reminder, simply speak into your phone. You can use many different kinds of reminders on your iphone.

As the above article has stated, iPhones have tons of built-in features that make it more than just a device to talk on. However, you may not even know everything the phone can do. Continue using these tips and others to get the best performance and use from your iphone.

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