Several Reasons Why Getting An Iphone Is In Your Best Interest

If you are not a smartphone owner, you could be confused. There are a number of seemingly similar smartphones on the market today. The same holds true for practically any phone out there, but they’re definitely not all created equal. There is, though, one type of phone that has the world talking: the iphone. The following article will explain the ways in which it’s so much better.

If your iphone is wet, consider using rice. It is common for people to drop their phones in a puddle, toilet, or other wet location. Do not use a hair dryer, but wipe the phone with a towel and then place it in a ziploc bag that is filled with rice. Allow the phone to dry overnight or as long as possible.

Get a larger keyboard to make the most of your phone’s Internet capabilities. The iphone has the capability to provide you with a larger keyboard. You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iphone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. You will have an easier to see, larger keyboard so go here for the best you can type more efficiently.

If you’re searching the web with your iphone, you don’t have to type out the “.com” of the web address. Just put the main address – anything before the .com – to navigate to the site you want. This might not seem important, but it will save lots of time during the time you have your phone.

When using Safari, make calls with one tap. For example, you may need a dry cleaner, so you begin searching the Internet for one located near you. When locating the number, you don’t have to use the phone component to call them. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.

To get rid of the AutoCorrect suggestion box, don’t keep hitting the “X” button every time it doesn’t recognize a word. You can simply tap the screen anywhere. That closes the box for you, a much faster solution.

Taking full advantage of your iPhone’s multimedia capabilities just makes good sense! You can download television shows, films or funny videos and transform a phone into an entertainment center.

You can easily access your email accounts and messages by tagging them. This is crucial since you get instantly notified when you receive a message and you can view it right away. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.

Take advantage of the different scrolling options of some websites using one or two fingers. Using one finger to scroll through a webpage provides an efficient way of getting through information stored in multiple boxes. If you use two fingers, you will be able to scroll around an entire page.

With all of these amazing tips, it is easy to understand the iPhone’s popularity. For functionality and power, there is no other smartphone that come close to the iphone. There are many benefits to the iphone that make it better than other phones.

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