Iphone Tips You Really Need To Know About

While many people want to buy a smartphone, such as an iphone, they are often unsure of how to use it. The article below contains numerous tips to help you understand the capabilities of your iphone. For more information on this wondrous technological marvel, read on!

When travelling through the web using the iphone, you never have to worry about including the “.com” after the web address. Just put the main address – anything before the .com – to navigate to the site you want. This may seem like a small benefit, but it actually goes a long way in saving you time.

When using Safari, making phone calls is as easy as just one tap on the screen. You may be looking for a dry cleaner that is nearby. When you find a number, you don’t have to go to the phone part of the iphone. Instead, all you have to do is tap the number.

Buy a screen protector to use on your iphone. Phones that don’t have these protectors are more likely to get scratches and nicks. Even dirt on your fingers may cause scratches. Always keep your phone protected with a screen protector.

Are you tired of all the constant notifications you receive on our iphone? There is a way to turn them off. Go into the settings and choose notifications. Remove any apps that are located in the :In Notification Center” that aren’t useful to you. click here! The best part is that this can significantly increase your battery’s life each day.

When checking out a webpage, scroll using one and two fingers. A website that is designed with boxes can be viewed by using one finger to see each box. But, if you use two fingers, you can navigate the full page.

The iphone, as well as other smartphones, can notify you when calls or messages are received. For silent but prominent notifications, you can make your iPhone’s LED camera flash blink whenever a message or call comes in. This can be accessed under the general menu under “accessibility.” Then simply activate the LED Flash button to receive alerts in this way.

Always keep iOS updated to the most recent version, when possible. Due to the iPhone’s complexity, patches and fixes are frequently made available to address security and functionality issues. This updating is critical if any personal information is own or accessed online using your phone.

When using Safari on your iphone, you don’t have to key in the “.com” extension when you want to visit a site. For instance, if you wish to visit Amazon.com, you only need to type “Amazon” into the address bar to be directed right to the site.

You can choose unique ringtones for your iphone. Don’t stick with the default tone like most people do. It’s easy to get a distinctive ringtone by uploading a sound file or a song that you love. This is an attention getter.

There is also a great time-based feature on the iphone which allows you to set time reminders like when to cook dinner. But did you also know you can set location specific reminders too? For example, you can tell your phone to remind you of something as you leave work. There is no end to the kinds of reminders you can set on your iphone.

From the article above, you hopefully learned many things about the use of your iphone. A lot of people are frequently mixed up about all of the new functions and apps, and they do not know their benefits. You’ve read a helpful article that can help you learn the latest information on this technology.

Learn The Best Ways To Use Your Iphone

If you have recently purchased and iphone, you may be overwhelmed by its possibilities. Don’t let the advanced features scare you. Use this article to use your check this out iphone to the fullest.

With an iphone, you don’t have to worry about getting lost anymore. The maps application is integrated into the software when you purchase the phone, and it allows you to view your location whenever you have service. This app is helpful to get to a new place, or just to get back home.

Taking pictures is one iphone feature that most users take advantage of. However, it is easy to lose track of your photos after a long day of taking photographs. The iphone makes it easy to organize your photos and even easier to find them. This can make it a lot easier to location specific photos.

When attempting to write notes or emails and you don’t want to be bothered by suggestions, you don’t need to tap X to get rid of suggestions. All you have to do is tap anywhere on the screen and the box will disappear.

As a default setting, incoming messages are previewed on your iPhone’s lock screen. Depending on your personal preference you may find that this feature is helpful or you may not care for it at all. If you would prefer not to see them, it is not hard to disable this feature on your iphone. Simply open Settings, move to Notifications, and click Messages. You then want to disable the Show Preview option.

You will have to reset your phone if it freezes up. You will want to press the home key and the sleep button at the same time. Your phone will shut down, then restart if everything was able to reset properly.

Pick a ringtone you like. There is nothing more dull than a phone that has the same ringtone as every other phone. You can choose from many appealing songs or a simple sound file that pleases you. That will make your iphone show your personality every time you get a call.

Here’s a tip for saving time when it comes to your iPhone’s suggested words function. You can get out of the suggestion box by tapping away on your screen, allowing you to continue with your message. This will save you hitting the x at the end of every word.

If you are using your iphone and keep getting interrupted by pop-ups, use the following technique. You will likely want to finish your task before addressing the notice. But there is a simple way to lose that notification. Just swipe the notification away when it appears on your screen.

If the iphone freezes up, stay calm. The first thing to try is, of course, the sleep/wake button. If this doesn’t work, then try pressing the sleep and home button at the same time. If that still doesn’t work try resetting your phone by holding the home button for 5 seconds.

If you want to make the most of your iPhone’s battery, then you may want to buy an app that will manage it. There are many varieties available, each with features for letting you know what percentage of battery you are using on each task and how you can get more from your battery. They will also notify you about calibration, which is an important part of caring for your battery.

Now, you should have some knowledge on the great things that your iphone can do. After learning to use even a few of the many tips and tricks, you will undoubtedly discover the joys of owning and using this remarkable device. Simply put the advice of this article to work and your iphone should be amazing you in no time.

The Best Kept Secrets About The Iphone

Although many people are in love with the iphone, there are still some who are in the dark about how to make the best use of smartphone technology. This article will give you tips and hints that will help you get the most use out of your iphone. Keep reading and find out how to use your phone to the utmost!

Purchase a protective screen for your iphone. Without one, you’ll find that your iphone screen will be subject to a lot of tiny scratches and minor nicks. Just having a bit of grime on your hand may harm the screen. Be certain to always keep a protector on the screen of your iphone.

Are you having second thoughts about the latest missive you entered into iMessage? Is the Auto Correct feature not working the way you want? There’s a super-easy way to undo the damage: just give your iphone a quick shake. This feature will undo everything you have recently typed. Go to the Settings menu to make sure this function is enabled.

One of the most beloved features of the iphone is the ability to take pictures. It can be difficult, however, to learn how to easily sort through the many different pictures you’ve taken. You can use the album feature to organize your pictures so you can find them easily. The Album is a great way to keep your photos available for viewing.

Just like other kinds of smart phones, you can set up an iphone to give you a visual indicator for the calls and messages you receive. If you want silent notifications, you can configure your iPhone’s camera to flash and blink when a call or message comes in. To access this feature go into the “accessibility” tab under the settings menu. Select “LED Flash” for your alerts.

Screenshots are a wonderful benefit to the iphone. It’s simple: hold the home button down and simultaneously click the sleep button at the top of your device. The screen will briefly flash white, indicating that the screenshot was successful.

Always keep your OS current and upgraded for the best experience on your iphone. The reason you want to keep it updated is that Apple is constantly releasing patches and fixes for bugs within the phone. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it’s imperative that you update your OS as needed.

Keep the firmware updated. This make the device more usable and your battery’s life longer. By putting iTunes on your computer and linking your phone to it, you can bring your firmware up to date. ICloud can connect to an Apple computer if you have one.

If you try the Safari browser instead of Internet Explorer, you will not have to type the .com to go to a website. For example, if you would like to go to Amazon.com, you could type the word “Amazon” and it will navigate to the website.

You should now possess knowledge that will help you get the most out of your new iphone. People can easily be confused about new apps and don’t know what their phone can do. This article should have cleared up any confusion you may have had customer service about this device.

Iphone: How To Use It To Its Potential

You’re obviously already aware of the phone’s power and popularity; most people are. That’s probably why you bought one in the first place. Do you really know everything about your iphone? Here are some great tips for you to really have fun with your iphone.

Safari and mail applications are widely used by iphone owners, but many are not aware of how to save images with these apps. Simply touch and hold on an image that you want to save. A box will appear giving you the option of saving the selected image.

There is no need to press X every time AutoCorrect attempts to correct a word. Just tap the screen. You can tap anywhere and still get rid of the suggestions. This method gets rid of the suggestion box while saving you much needed time.

The iphone gives you the flexibility of being able to capture a picture directly from the cord your headphones. The first thing you’ll want to do is line up the shot you want. When the picture is ready to go, engage the cord’s button. This will take the photograph. To save, do as you would normally do.

Use this tip to send text messages more quickly. Tapping away from the suggestion box can cancel this entirely. You do not have to click on the x displayed next to the word to dismiss it.

Are there special characters such as umlauts or accents that you would like to use in your texts? Well, luckily for you it’s a relatively easy process. Simply press and hold on the letter you wish to change. When you hold down a letter key on your iphone, you should see an options box that will include several additional ways you can type a specific letter. This will allow you to type with fancy lettering as much as you want.

Don’t forget that your iphone is capable of displaying various types of media. You can use the iphone to view your favorite movie or television show.

Tag email account on the iphone so that you can quickly get to your messages. This will allow you to receive a notification when an email message is received and allows you to instantly view the message from your phone. You can have one or many email accounts hooked up to your phone.

Picture taking is a common function that many iphone owners use often. After some substantial photography sessions, however; it could be hard sorting through all the pictures in the Camera visit the site Roll. Keep your pictures organized with the iphone album. When you are looking for a certain picture, it can help you find it.

If you value your privacy greatly, then you should probably use Siri a little less. Apple stores all Siri voice prompts on their internal servers. This is to improve the program’s speech recognition capabilities, and they keep the files secured. However it’s best to be aware that any time you speak to Siri, you may be recorded.

You can do nearly everything that you can do on your home computer due to the Safari browser that iphone uses. Tap and hold any pictures you run across that you would like to save. The context menu pops up, and you can save the picture to the Camera Roll on your phone. These photo’s can even be copied and placed inside a message!

IPhones are great for many things, but you must know the tricks to using it. Hopefully this article has armed you with all the information you need to become a quick-handed professional with your iphone and enable you to enjoy all that it has to offer. Utilize the information and you will be well on your way to gaining the fulfillment an iphone can offer.

Why Your Next Phone Should Be An Iphone

With a multitude of apps available, people of all ages can enjoy the iphone. The features of this phone will entertain both the young and the old. The information in this article will tell you about the various features that the iphone has to offer.

If you’re having trouble seeing the characters on your keyboard, you can have a bigger one. There is no need to purchase a larger keyboard. Instead, you can simply turn your iphone clockwise 90 degrees, then lightly tap the URL bar in Safari. You have a larger, easier-to-use keyboard for faster and more efficient typing.

When searching the web with your iphone, you do not have to type in the “.com” part of an address. Just enter the main phrase in the URL, and Safari will put you at the right place. This may seem like a tiny time-saver, but it will save a lot of minutes during your phone’s lifetime.

Any website you frequently visit can be turned into an app. All you have to do is visit the website. Tap “Go” once you access the site. You will then have the option of adding the website to the home screen. Adding your site to your home screen allows you to rename it. This creates a personalized app.

Handy dictionary shortcuts can be created on the iphone. If you dictate to the iphone, it can learn how you speak and predict what you will say next. It is also possible to put in new phrases and shortcuts. Your on screen keyboard will also use the auto-correct feature to make typing certain words and phrases easier.

There is an app that allows users to upload files to the iphone and make it a storage device. In addition to photos and brief video clips, you can upload and store both music and text files. Then you have them available right on your phone, or you can connect and access them later on your computer.

It is possible to take a picture from your headphone cord. Initially, you will want to frame the photograph. Hold your cord button and this will give you the ability to take your picture. This takes the picture. If you want to save it, just do what you would normally do to save a photo.

Use the multimedia features on your iphone to get the most out of it. Your iphone can become an entertainment hub just by downloading TV episode or online clips that you love.

Use your iphone to take pictures. After snapping away over the course of days or weeks, though, your iPhone’s Camera Roll can get clogged up with all the pictures you’ve taken. Organize your photos by utilizing the iPhone’s album feature, and you will always know where to find your photos quickly and easily. This is a great feature for when you are looking for a certain photo in a hurry.

Your iphone has the capability of showing previews of incoming messages when your screen is locked. For some this is great, but others do not like it. This feature can be disabled easily to reduce your stress. Simply open Settings, move to Notifications, and click Messages. You’ll want to disable the Show Preview function.

If you need to do some quick math, but not in your head, make use of the calculator in your iphone. In the phone’s vertical position, you will get a standard calculator and if you flip it into horizontal position, you will see a scientific calculator.

Hopefully this article enables you to use your iphone for more of its intended uses, as well explaining the many customizable features to others. If you just keep these tips and ideas in mind, you will be a professional http://02customerservice.co.uk iphone user in no time and be able to show the world all that you know.

Tips That All Iphone Users Must Know

Using an iphone is treasured by many, but some find it to be annoying. The number of integrated features combined with the countless array of applications is truly staggering. Read on if you would like to get the most out of your iPhone’s tools and features.

With an iphone, you don’t have to worry about getting lost anymore. Mapping software comes with your iphone so that you can immediately start pinpointing locations without having to worry about adding an app. This can help map out anywhere you want to go, whether you are traveling or want to get back home.

An iphone can act as your GPS. When you are trying to find a certain location, you can use the map function on your iphone. Bookmark the map for access whenever you need it.

If you are looking for ways to make the best use of your iphone, you should look into its many media viewing features. You can even download television shows, movies, or just about any other type of video, and then view it where ever you continue reading this.. are, making your phone a great option for keeping you or your kids entertained.

Did you just type something into iMessage that you probably shouldn’t have? Did Auto Correct screw up your meaning again? Shaking your iphone can help erase the typing that you just wrote. This etch-a-sketch action automatically erases recent typing. This feature is optional. You have to verify in Settings to ensure that it is enabled.

Everyone uses their iphone to take pictures. However, it is easy to lose track of your photos after a long day of taking photographs. The iphone has a built in album area that helps to easily organize your photos and makes them easy to locate. The Album is a great way to keep your photos available for viewing.

If you browse on your iphone using Safari, you do not have to type “.com” in the URL. You can visit http://www.yahoo.com by just typing “Yahoo” instead of the whole address.

Choose your favorite ringtones for your iphone. Standard ringtones are fine for the masses, but you want to stand out! Use a favorite song, a sound effect, or spoken words that are unique. You will have yourself an attention-getting feature.

Make sure you are mindful about the apps you allow onto your phone. There are many apps available and prices vary a lot while some apps are completely free. However, some can harvest your information or slap you with hidden charges.

You are able to take a photo with just one hand on the iphone. Frame the picture you want to take and push the raise volume button. The quality is identical to taking the photo the usual way.

Don’t freak out if your iphone freezes. First, give the sleep/wake control a try. If it doesn’t work, press both the home button and the sleep/wake button and hold them down. Doing so should bring up the option to reset your iphone by using the Power tab. After a few seconds, the phone should power up again.

If you find Siri’s voice to be grating, there are alternative selections you can make. Find Siri in the General Settings menu. You can change her language to French, German or English. On this screen, you can also select the accent of the Siri app to have various accents as well. The British Siri actually has a male voice.

You can’t own an iphone without realizing that it offers a great deal of features. However, if you do not fully comprehend how to use your iphone, you are missing out. Utilize what you’ve learned from these tips so that you can get the most out of your iphone.

You Can Do A Lot More With Your Iphone Than You Think

Many people are proud owners of an iphone, but do not know all the tricks and tips on using it to its fullest potential. There is, however, a lot of information out there that can help you learn. To see if this is the phone for you, keep reading!

If you own an iphone, getting lost is a thing of the past. The maps application comes preloaded, and it helps you determine where you are. This app is also great for letting you simply find your way to your home, or to someplace that you are traveling to.

If you get your iphone wet, try to use rice when drying it out. There has been many a person who accidentally dropped their phone into water – whether it be a puddle or even the toilet. A hair dryer can actually damage your phone further so to avoid this, fill a ziploc bag with dry rice and put your phone into it. When you wake up in the morning, it ought to be dried out.

To conserve battery life, reduce the brightness of your iPhone’s screen. Go to the settings to change this. You can save your battery and you won’t have to charge your phone as much.

When surfing the web on the iphone, you do not need to add “.com” to web addresses. Simply type in the main portion of the address. Your web browser will understand what you are saying and will put you on the right site. This is a simple little trick that saves you plenty of time while using your iphone.

Siri allows you to set reminders based on your location. Instead of the time-based reminders, you can use location-based reminders. Instead, you can say “Remind me when I get back home to call work, Siri.” Then, once you reach home, Siri will sense it and remind you. This way if you don’t know what time you’re getting home, you can still set a reminder.

Instead of trying to remember what a webpage or email said, you can save an image from on of them. Simply tap the image that you wish to save and hold your finger there for two or three seconds. After a few seconds, a pop-up box will give you the option of saving the image to your phone.

It’s not necessary to press the X to get rid of that annoying AutoCorrect suggestion box. Just push any place on your screen. This method gets rid of the suggestion box while saving you much needed time.

Did you just type something into iMessage that you probably shouldn’t have? Is Auto Correct incorrect? You can easily correct the damage by simply shaking your phone. Any recent typing is undone by this. Be advised that this feature is optional, so if you want it, you need to enable it in your Settings.

Now that you have read the piece above, you ought to be comfortable with many of the best features the iphone offers. If you use the tips you’ve just read, you will make it easier to use the iphone. You may even desire more tricks! When you are check it out mindful of all that you have learned here, you can probably start showing off your newfound iphone abilities to those you know.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Iphone

Many people think the iphone is the best thing invented in ages. Why are so many people crazy over the iphone? Read on to learn why, as well as how to use your iphone in new ways. Regardless of your experience with iPhones or how long you’ve owned one, you can learn new things to do with it.

Make sure your phone is using the latest updates. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Regular updating forces data storage and backup so you don’t lose everything you find important.

If you get a larger keyboard, browsing the web with your iphone will be a little easier. In order to get a bigger keyboard, you don’t even need to purchase one. Flip your phone sideways and begin browsing again. You’ll have a bigger, easier-to-read keyboard instantly.

If you are accessing the web on you iphone, do not worry about using the “.com” portion of the website address. Only the main portion of the web address is needed. The web browser can automatically figure out where you want to go. This will end up saving you a ton of time.

Protect the screen of your iphone by purchasing a protective screen. Without a screen protector, your phone will be more vulnerable to scratches, scrapes and nicks. Just a tiny speck of dirt can scratch the screen. Make sure to always protect the screen of your phone.

Any site that you frequently visit can be turned into an app. Load the website on your iphone. Once you are there, tap on “Go”. An option to add the website onto the home screen will appear. Once it connects to your home screen you have the option to change the name and personalize the app.

You can take a photo using your headphone cord. Start off by getting the picture you want and put it in the frame. Once you’re ready to take a picture, simply press down on the button on your cord. That takes the photo for you. Save the picture as you normally would.

One finger works just as well as two fingers when scrolling through 02customerservice.co.uk a site. If the webpage has more than one box, using one finger allows you to scroll just one box. When you use two fingers, you’ll be able to scroll across the whole page.

One of the iphone features most users utilize is that of taking pictures. It can be difficult, however, to learn how to easily sort through the many different pictures you’ve taken. The album feature can help you create more organization on your phone with your photographs. You will find picture locating much easier using this facility.

Just like other kinds of smart phones, you can set up an iphone to give you a visual indicator for the calls and messages you receive. There is also a feature available where you phone will flash when a call or message is received. To access this feature go into the “accessibility” tab under the settings menu. Once you do this, select the “LED Flash” option.

Upgrade your OS to the version that is most current. Apple iPhones get regular updates that included fixes and security patches, just like computers do. For security purposes and all-around general usage, it’s imperative that you update your OS as needed.

As stated earlier, almost everyone seems to have an iphone of their own. You may have been confused as to what the hype was all about before, but now that you have read this article, you should understand why it’s in your best interest to have one of these awesome devices!

Simple Tips To Using Your Iphone And Making Life Easier

Accessing and building your http://02customerservice.co.uk/ social network is easier than ever with an iphone. However, some people just don’t know how they can do this. If you aren’t aware of how to synchronize all your social media together with your iphone, then continue on ahead to the article below.

Minimizing your iPhone’s brightness setting will help extend battery life. To lower the brightness level, simply adjust your phone’s settings. This will lengthen the time that the battery is powered between charges.

If you are accessing the web on you iphone, do not worry about using the “.com” portion of the website address. Entering in the title of the site is sufficient. This tip may seem silly, but it really saves time over the long run, especially if you navigate to sites a lot over the course of your iPhone’s life.

Siri allows you to set reminders based on your location. You don’t have to tell Siri to remind you to do an action at a specific time. You can also ask Siri to give reminders when you arrive or leave a particular place, such as to phone your employer when you arrive at home. When the phone’s GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. You can still have your reminder even though you can’t predict when you will get home.

When using Safari, it only takes a single tap to place a phone call. For instance, imagine you are looking for a dry cleaner online. When you locate the number, there is no need to head to the phone area to dial the number. Just press the number; you then connect to the place you are trying to call.

If you want to do everything that your iphone can possibly do, you need to master its multimedia abilities. Your iphone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series.

You can easily access your email accounts and messages by tagging them. You will receive notifications every time a message is in your email’s inbox. You can pick a plethora of email accounts, or pick one to put a tag on.

Practice scrolling through a website while using both a single finger and two fingers. A website that is divided into sections can be perused slowly using one fingered scrolling. If you want to quickly scan the entire page, use two fingers.

You don’t need to tap the X to eliminate the suggestion box that appears when typing if it is annoying you. Instead, tap your screen anywhere, and instantly, the box will vanish.

Your iphone has the capability of showing previews of incoming messages when your screen is locked. You might find this annoying rather than convenient. If you think it’s annoying, you can disable this function. All you need to do is go into your setting and then click on notifications, and finally, tap messages. Touch the Show Preview option and turn it to the off setting.

The iphone allows you to link all your social media accounts on to your phone as well as many other functions. Your family and friends will always be at your fingertips. iPhones and social media has made this all possible, which is why iPhones are a must-have item.

Iphone Tips, Tricks, And Techniques For The Consumer

While many people want to buy a smartphone, such as an iphone, they are often unsure of how to use it. This article will provide you with advice to help you stay up-to-date with everything the iphone has to offer. Read on to educate yourself on getting the most from your iphone.

If your iphone has been exposed to water, place it in a bowl of uncooked rice. It is common for people to drop their phones in a puddle, toilet, or other wet location. A hair dryer can actually damage your phone further so to avoid this, fill a ziploc bag with dry rice and put your phone into it. You will find that the phone is dry within hours, or perhaps by the next day.

Any website can be turned into an iphone app listed on your home screen. Load the website on your iphone. Once you are on the website, just hit the “Go” button. This then gives you the option for adding this site to the home screen. Adding your site to your home screen allows you to rename it. This creates a personalized app.

AutoCorrect usually tries to suggest different words for you to use, but you don’t have to keep hitting “X” at each word. Just tap the screen. You can tap anywhere and still get rid of the suggestions. This method closes the suggestion box quickly and easily.

You can take a photo using your headphone cord. To start, frame the picture you wish to take. When you are ready, hit the cord button. This will take the photograph. Save the picture as you normally would.

Tag email account on the iphone so that you can quickly get to your messages. If you have this set up, you can get a notification every time you get a new email and you can check it whenever you like from your phone. Your phone can handle several email accounts.

Mistakes happen when typing on iPhones. Have you ended up with something strange added to your message by Auto Correct? There’s a very simple way to take back your words; quickly shake your iphone. This will automatically undo recent typing. Go to the Settings menu to make sure this function is enabled.

If you have Siri on your iphone, but like to keep your privacy, you maybe not want to continue to use her. Apple stores all Siri voice prompts on their internal servers. This is done to aid speech recognition and secure those files, but keep in mind that anything said to Siri can be recorded.

If you like hearing clicks every time you put a character into a message, go to the sounds section in your iphone and enable keyboard clicks to an On setting. This sound gives you an audible cue that lets you know the letters you type are registering, which may cut down on mistakes.

Now that you read the above information, you now have a better understanding on the new technology that relates to the iphone. Navigating through apps and other features should be a breeze now. You’ve read a helpful article that can help you learn the latest information on this technology.